I know around here there has not been much to be said at all lately.
I promise I am working on it!
Tonight I went to Compassionate Friends I have not been since last November. In that time I have dealt with being sick, taxes and life in general. But tonight was good, good for me. I thought CF was last week and I was so eager to attend I went last week. I met a mother I have never met. Lisa. Her son was born two weeks before Sophia and Mya. We shared our stories and I have so much respect for Lisa and how she has copped with Ryan's loss.
I have always found CF to be my personal grief group. I am happy I took the time and went back tonight. I have realized you always need to take a moment and sit back and take it all in. Which is what I did tonight.
The struggles of life recently have been too much to deal with. But this week with spending time with some of my extended "G"s" has made me realize life is too precious. What I think are my problems are really nothing. We all keep going no matter what.
You have to keep pressing on. There is no reason to sulk. In the BLM world when you talk to other mothers it seems like there is always a mother who's loss is worse then yours. You always seem to think that in the back of your head. But it seems like in life the same holds true. But it seems like you never think like that. It is just so odd.
Life is so precious. Family is precious.