I had ordered 10 memorial boxes for WTRLA to donate to Long Beach Memorial/Miller's Children's Hospital. I have been working with Franchesca Cox @
http://abidinghopememoryboxes.blogspot.com/ to have the boxes made. When placing the order I asked if she would make one for Sophia too.

So my day started with checking the tracking number as I knew regardless I would be going to Long Beach tonight.
So at about 1:30 this afternoon my box arrived. I immediately sent a message to Franchesca to let her know I had the boxes. I was so busy at work I opened it up real quick to be sure all was
secure. About an hour later I had a minute so I looked for Sophia's box. There is was. A sudden tear came to my eye. It was so PERFECT. As a matter of fact I think this is where I want to keep Sophia. I love the fact that is was Sophia's collage that Franchesca made for Sophia. It makes this resting place personal for Sophia. I snapped a couple pictures while at work to text Alice and Eddie to show them.

When I finished work around 6pm I was on the way to Long Beach. Karen had text me that she was going to go to group that evening as well. I got down there pretty quick so I made a stop at Starbucks and then went to the hospital. When I parked Karen had something for Sophia. It was a cross with a dove on it with a scripture. Karen and I saw a sign from Mason and Sophia on Mason's birthday. The gift was perfect.
Right when we were getting ready to head into the hospital TJ and Mary had arrived. Mary also had something for me, it was scrapbook paper with angel wings on it. I can't wait to use it. It does make me think I should start Sophia's scrapbook as I have been dragging my feet.
We all walked into the hospital and were greeted by Sharon and sadly a new couple to the group. We said our hello's and I gave Sharon the boxes, she was very happy to receive them. I was happy to give them to her though we both know all too well it is not for a happy reason we came together.
We had a lovely meeting and then I got another gift for Sophia. A ceramic heart to carry with me and remember Sophia by, not that I will ever forget her but I was happy to receive it.
We all said our goodbye's and I started my journey home. I called Kassi to talked about Sunday's meeting. Everything is a go. We will see what Sunday brings.
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